We are often asked when changes in financial circumstances must be reported. A change is the establishment of Trust for a person on some sort of benefit. The answer depends on the program the beneficiary is receiving and thus the agency to which to report. The only common thread is that YOU MUST REPORT.
For beneficiaries on Supplemental Security Income (SSI) the answer is found in POM SI 2301.005. For SSI recipients a report is due within 10 calendar days after the month in which the change occurred. A report by mail is timely when the postmark date is within the same 10-day period. Recipients and payees may report in writing, by telephone, or in person. They may use Form SSA-8150-EV (Reporting Events, SSI) to report in writing. See SI 02301.405 for an exhibit of this form. The Change is reported to your local Social Security office which can be found through the following link: https://secure.ssa.gov/ICON/main.jsp.
For the Medicaid programs administered through the Department of Children and Families in Florida, the time to report is within 10 days of the change in circumstances. This time period, as well as the time periods for other programs (such as “only on recertification” for the food assistance program), are explained on the Rights and Responsibilities form CF-ES 2064, found here http://www.dcf.state.fl.us/DCFForms/Search/OpenDCFForm.aspx?FormId=73
The form for reporting changes for most Florida Medicaid programs is CF-ES 3052A and can be found here:
The form says to return to your local office by mail or fax, which can be found here:
Remember, we don’t get to decide whether a Special Needs Trust is excluded as an asset. Such a decision is up to the governmental agency. The Trust must be disclosed.