How I Found The Right Caregiver

How Do You Find the Right Caregiver? We obviously get calls every day at EasyLiving for home care, primarily from family members asking for help with their family members.  As you can imagine, each call is different, each family has their own unique needs and circumstances.  Similar to most other times in life, needing a…

Yikes! Who Did I List As Beneficiary?

Yikes! Who did I list as Beneficiary? Often when an Elder Law attorney meets with a client it includes discussing how the client may want their bank accounts, brokerage accounts, and other assets distributed at death. Many clients are surprised to hear beneficiary designations trump what they have listed in their Last Will and Testament.…

Legal Documents for Travel

Legal Documents for Travel Plan Ahead We planned a trip to Vietnam over one year ago and are now on our way.  While we are very excited, there also is a lot of curiosity about what we will experience when we arrive.  Never having flown on such a long flight, I’m hoping that sleep comes…


I WANT MY CHILDREN TO BE EQUAL Clients often state when deciding who to name as their Agent under the Durable Power of Attorney that they would like their children to each be able to act.  While that is a nice idea, it is often difficult, if not impossible to determine how your children will…

Florida Medicaid Long Term Managed Care Update

Florida Medicaid Long Term Managed Care Update It’s hard to believe it’s been 5 years since the initial implementation of the Statewide Medicaid Managed Care Long Term Care program (SMMC LTC).  For those of you not acquainted with the program, the LTC program provides nursing facility and home based services to adults who meet the…